Māori Kiwaha

Mā hea mai ki tēna!




1. A koe rānei! - You can talk! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

2. A tōna wā. - All in good time. There will come a time for that.

3. Ā! - Oh!

4. Āe pea! - Maybe!

5. Āe rā! - Indeed!

6. Āe... āe... - Caught you red handed!

7. Ai ua, ai hau, ai marangi. - A woman who is multifaceted in her personality.

8. Ākene koe i a au! - Watch it or else!

9. Ākene pea. - Maybe.

10. Ākuni koe i a au! - I'll get you! Wait till I get my hands on you!

11. Āmiki rawa tēnā! - Too much information!

12. Ānā e pūkana mai nā! - It's there - right under your nose!

13. Anā tō kai! - Serves you right!

14. Āna! - Yeah!

15. Anō ki a au. - I thought we were going to do this.

16. Āpāia. - Of course. Indeed.

17. Aua atu! - Don't worry!

18. Aua. - I don't know.

19. Auare ake! - No way! Not a chance! To no avail!

20. Auē taukiri e. - Oh dear! For crying out loud!

21. Āue, e hika mā! - Goodness me!

22. Auware ake. - Couldn't be done. Nothing happened.

23. E aha tāhau? - What's up with you?

24. E aua! - Don’t know!

25. E hawa e hawa! - no way, you're joking, you're kidding!

26. E hoa e! - Jees mate!

27. E hoa mā e! - Good grief mate! Far out! Goodness me mate!

28. E iro, e iro! - You should have learned your lesson! You should know better.

29. E kai ō mata! - Feast your eyes on this!

30. Ē kī, ē kī! - Whatever!

31. E kuhu, e kuhu! - Help yourself!

32. E Māra! - Hey bro!

33. E mea ana koe! - Of course - you should know that!

34. E mea ana! - You bet ya!

35. E moe e te ao... - Stop saying...

36. E poko! - Bugger! Damn!

37. E rua, e rua! - Two of a kind, just the same

38. E taea hoki te pēwhea. - Nothing can be done about it. It can't be helped.

39. E tama mā e! - Good heavens boy! Good heavens! Far out! For goodness sake boy!

40. Ēhara, ēhara! - That's not right! Not even!

41. Ehara! - On the contrary!

42. Engarī mō tēnā! - No way! I don't think so!

43. Engari mō tēnā! - No way!

44. Engari tonu! - Whatever! You bet! For sure!

45. Engaru tonu! - Of course! You bet ya!

46. Ha aha hoki! - No way!

47. Haku mai, haku atu! - Moan and groan!

48. Hanepī ana au. - Gobsmacked. Taken aback.

49. Hanepī tonu atu. - Dumbfounded.

50. Hau pirau! - Exaggerating. Laying it on thick!

51. He (moe) te patunga! - The only thing to do is (sleep).

52. He aha hoki! - No way! Not a chance!

53. He aha koe e tangi nei? - Why are you crying now?

54. He aha kōrua e kai new i te kai mā te manuhiri? - Why are you two eating the guests' food.

55. He aha te aha. - Nothing changes, nothing changed, to no avail, it was a waste of time.

56. He aha to aha! - To no avail! A waste of time!

57. He ihu oneone. - A dedicated, hard worker.

58. He ihumanea. - An intelligent person.

59. He kōrero i pahawa. - All talk, no action!

60. He mate anō tēnā. - That's another problem.

61. He momo tonu. - True to form. Its a family trait.

62. He rā nō te pakiwaru! - It's very hot today!

63. He reka! - Yummm!

64. He rite tonu. - Ad nauseum. Always.

65. He tika (tāu)! - You’re right!

66. He tino pai hoki koe! - You’re very good!

67. He waha papā! - Verbal diarrhoea!

68. He whawhewhawhe. - Meddler. Busy-body.

69. He wheke kurī. - A short wick.

70. He xyz kei te haere, - Xyz is going to happen.

71. Hei aha atu mā wai? - Who cares?

72. Hei aha atu māku. - It doesn't concern me.

73. Hei aha atu māu! - Don't worry about it! Don't let it bother you.

74. Hei aha atu. - Don't bother.

75. Hei aha koa! - What does it matter? So what?

76. Hei aha māku! - It's none of my business. It doesn't matter to me.

77. Hei aha māu! - Mind your own business!

78. Hei aha noa iho! - Don't bother, don't worry about it. Who what? Why does it matter?

79. Hei aha tāu! - I don't care what you say!

80. Hei aha. - Never mind.

81. Herea tō arero. - Zip your lip.

82. Hika mā! - For crying out loud!

83. Hoake tātou ki Ahuriri, {kaua ki} Heretaunga. - Let's all go to Napier, let's not go to Hastings.

84. Hoea tō waka! - Go for it!

85. I haere au ki te toa hei hoko i ngā kai m1a te hui. - I went to the stop to buy food for the meeting.

86. I haere au ki te toa hoko ai i ngā kai m1a te hui. - I went to the stop to buy food for the meeting.

87. I haere au ki te toa, he hiahia nōku. - I went to the shop because I wanted to.

88. I kiia atu rā. - I told you so!

89. I reira te mahi a te tangata! - The place was packed!

90. I reira! - There!

91. I wāu nei hoki. - Sorry to hear that, not! Poor you! Diddums.

92. Ka aroha hoki. - I'm sorry to hear that. That's sad.

93. Ka hē hoki e tai. - Not a good look, my friend!

94. Ka kai koe tō tūtae! - What goes around, comes around! You will regret it!

95. Ka kari tonu! - Still digging! Still persisting!

96. Ka mahue te... - You should have...

97. Ka mahue tō whakamōhio. - You forgot to explain it to me.

98. Ka mau te wehi! - That’s amazing!

99. Ka mutu pea! - Well done! How great!

100. Ka ngangaro. - Oh, that's much better. Big improvement.

101. Ka nui tēnā! - That's enough!

102. Ka patu tōna pīkaru. - Fast asleep. Out to it.

103. Ka tīkorokoro atu. - Rolling the eyes.

104. Ka wani kē! - Neat, alright!

105. Kai a te ahi, kai a te kurī. - Food for the fire... you're no good, just food for the dog.

106. Kaikainga ngā taringa! - Got an earful!

107. Kaitoa! - Good job! Serves you right!

108. Kaitoa! E nge! - Serves you right!

109. Kāo! Mah! - No! Meh!

110. Kāoere he takunga. - There's no excuse!

111. Kaore e haere ko te rae anake. - Don't go emptyhanded.

112. Kāore e kore. - Without a doubt.

113. Kāore e nama te kōrero. - He has an answer for everything.

114. Kāore he aha ki a au. - It doesn't bother me!

115. Kāore he painga i a koe! - No sweat to you!

116. Kāore i a au te tikanga. - My hands are tied.

117. Kāore i tua atu! - There's nobody better!

118. Karawhiua! - Give it heaps! Go hard!

119. Katahi nā te tama mōhio, ko koe! - What a clever child you are!

120. Kātahi rā. - Good grief - I disagree! That's a stupid idea.

121. Katahi te tangata haututū! - What a mischief person!

122. Kātahi te whakaaro pōhēhē ko tēnā! - What a daft thought!

123. Kāti te pōrearea! - Stop being a pain!

124. Katia tō waha! - Shut up!

125. Kaua e hangahanga kōrero. - Don't make shit up!

126. Kaua e kawekawe kōrero. - Don't gossip!

127. Kaua e mahi pēnā! - Don’t do that!

128. Kaua e mutu takiwā noa iho. - Don't limit yourself! Go beyond the comfort zone.

129. Kei a ia pea. - Maybe he’s got them/it.

130. Kei a koe mō te rūkahu! - You’re so full of it!

131. Kei a koe mō te... - You're great at...

132. Kei a koe mō te... - You're the best at...

133. Kei a koe te tikanga. - It's your responsibility. It's up to you.

134. Kei a koe! - On to it!

135. Kei hea mai! - Choice! Outstanding, terrific! That's wonderful!

136. Kei hīkaka te ihu! - Don't be a snob!

137. Kei konā katoa ahau. - Complete and utter support.

138. Kei Mahurangi kē koe. - You're away with the fairies!

139. Kei noho koe ka haere. - Don't even think about leaving.

140. Kei noho koe ka... - Don't you dare...

141. Kei noho koe! - Don't even think about it!

142. Kei raro au e putu ana - I’m under in a heap (really worn out!)

143. Kei runga noa atu koe! - You’re the best! You're onto it!

144. Kei tāwauwau kē koe! - You are way off track!

145. Kei te aha kē koe? - What the hell are you doing?

146. Kei te kōrerotia te kaupapa e ia. - She is talking about the kaupapa.

147. Kei tua o Tāwauwau ia. - He is away with the fairies.

148. Keio noho koe ka tū! - Don't you dare get up!

149. Keke ana te haere! - Like a rocket

150. Ki a koe hoki. - What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you?

151. Ki ia me tana kotahi. - Him and himself.

152. Kia ara te ua! - Keep your head up, don’t give up, be proud!

153. Kia haumaru te noho. - Stay safe.

154. Kia huhue! - Hurry up!

155. Kia hūkere te hoe. - Go hard! Dig deep!

156. Kia ora kia ora! - Oops!

157. Kia ora! - Cheers!

158. Kia pai mai hoki. - That's fantastic! How neat is that!

159. Kia tau! - Relax, settle petal!

160. Kia toka! - Freeze dude!

161. Kia whānau mai a Rūaumoko. - That'll be the day. When pigs fly.

162. Kīhai i taro... - It wasn't long before, not long after that...

163. Ko ia a runga! - He's onto it! He's the bomb!

164. Ko koe ki tāu, ko au ki tāku. - You do your thing and I'll do mine.

165. Ko koe tonu a runga! - You're the bomb!

166. Ko tāua tērā? - Is that us?

167. Ko tērā tērā! - That's that then!

168. Ko tō pakeke mārika! - You're old enough to know better!

169. Ko wai hoki koe? - Who the hell are you?

170. Ko wai koe? - Who do you think you are?

171. Koia kei a koe! - You're awesome!

172. Koia pū! - Perfect!

173. Koia pū. - Exactly right! You've got it in a nutshell.

174. Koia! Koia! - That explains it!

175. Koinā tāku! - That's what I reckon.

176. Koirā anake te mahi e pahawa i a koe! - That's all you're good for!

177. Komohia ō hū. - Put your shoes on.

178. Komohia tō ārai kanohi! - Wear your mask!

179. Kōrero, kōrero. - Yeah right.

180. Kotahi atu. - Make a beeline for.

181. Kua eke. - I've had enough to eat. No more is to be said in this discussion.

182. Kua hē ngā taha! - Gone to the pack!

183. Kua hemo i te mate kai - Absolutely starved

184. Kua hiki te kohu? - Get the picture?

185. Kua kēhi, kua kēhi! - It's over!

186. Kua kino kē ngā piropiro. - In a foul mood.

187. Kua ngata taku hiahia. - My wants have been met.

188. Kua oti te ao! - That says it all!

189. Kua pakaru te pūkoro! - Broke!

190. Kua pau te hau! - I'm exhausted!

191. Kua pokea au e te mahi. - I'm snowed under with work.

192. Kua pōrangihia tō pīnati. - You're stupid.

193. Kua riro māna ināianei. - The ball's in his court now.

194. Kua tā te ihu - To have satisfied one’s hunger or thirst

195. Kua taka te kapa! - The penny has dropped!

196. Kua taka te kapa. - I get the picture.

197. Kua tangi kurī. - Crying for nothing.

198. Kua tē te koito! - Exhausted. Had it.

199. Kua tinga te ngārara. - I'm full.

200. Mā hea mai ki tēna! - That's something, better than nothing, it's the thought that counts

201. Mā koutou anō koutou e kuhu! - You can fend for yourselves.

202. Mā te aha i tēnā. - More than adequate. That will do. It's OK.

203. Mā tēnā ka aha? - What will that solve? What would that achieve? What difference will that make?

204. Mā tērā ka aha? - What good will come of that?

205. Mahi tika ana. - Great work! Absolutely!

206. Mahia tāu i kōrero ai! - Walk the talk!

207. Māmā noa iho! - Easy-peasy.

208. Māna! - On the contrary! I might be wrong about this...

209. Māngari noa. - Easy as.

210. Manohi anō... - On the other hand...

211. Mārama kēkē! - Piece of cake, easy as!

212. Marika. - I enthusiastically agree!

213. Māu anō e kuhu. - Help yourself!

214. Māu rawa te kōrero! - You can talk - you're the worse offender! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

215. Māu tō ene! - Get stuffed! Bite your bum!

216. Me haere koe i a Hēmi, kaua i a Mikaere. - Go with Hēmi, not with Mikaere.

217. Me haere! - Come quickly!

218. Me ko au koe... - If I were you...

219. Me kōrero kia ia, {kaore ki} a Mere. - Talk to him, {not to} Mere.

220. Me pēhea kē hoki! - How am I supposed to do that!

221. Me te wai kōrari - Delicious! (literally, as sweet as juice of the flax flower)

222. Mē tēnā ka aha? - What difference will that make?

223. Mea rawa ake... - Next minute...

224. Mei kore ake... - If it wasn't for you...

225. Meinga! Meinga! - Is that so!

226. Mō taku hē! - My mistake! Sorry!

227. Mō taku hē! - My bad!

228. Mō te hemo tonu atu! - Do it to the death!

229. Mō te kōrero! - They talk a lot!

230. Nā kawea kōrero te kī! - A little bird told me!

231. Nā wai i hē, kātahi ka tino hē kē atu. - That's going from bad to worse.

232. Nā wai tāu? - Says who?

233. Nā whai anō. - That explains it! No wonder! That'll be why.

234. Nāu anō to mate i kimi! Nāna anō tōna mate i kimi! - You brought it on yourself! You made your bed - you lie in it!

235. Nāwai rā, nāwai rā. - Eventually.

236. Nē? - Eh?

237. Ngutu huia! - Know-it-all!

238. Nō hea hoki tāu? - Where did you get that from? (I don't believe you!) Can you substantiate that?

239. Nō mai mai. - From way back.

240. Nō nā noa nei... - Just now...

241. Nō reira - Therefore

242. Nōku te hē. Mō taku hē. - Its my fault. I'm sorry.

243. Nōku te māringanui. - I am most fortunate.

244. Oa te maaka. - Over the mark. Gone too far.

245. Pai kare! - By golly!

246. Pai te kite i a koe! - Good to see ya!

247. Pai te tutaki i a koe! - Nice to meet ya!

248. Pai tū, pai hinga. - Give it a go! (You might win, you might lose.)

249. Pakara ana ngā ngutu! - Delicious! (The smacking of the lips.)

250. Parahutihuti ana te haere! - Couldn't see them for dust!

251. Patu ngaro noa iho! - All momentum has been lost!

252. Pēhea koe? - What about you?

253. Pōkaihia ō tueke. - Pack your bags and go!

254. Pōuri atu! - Get lost! Get out of my way!

255. Puku ana te rae! - He hit the roof!

256. Puku kau ana. - You've got a cheek! What a nerve!

257. Purari paka! - Bloody bastard!

258. Rarawe noa iho! - Easy as.

259. Rarawe noa iho! - No sweat! We've got this!

260. Rehekō! - Let's go!

261. Tahia te tahua. - Work it out! Make peace!

262. Taku whakapae... - My guesss...

263. Tangi reme. - To cry like a lamb.

264. Taringa mārō. - Inattentive.

265. Tāu kē - Awesome!

266. Tāua tāua! - You and me both! We're both the same.

267. Te āhua nei … - It looks like …

268. Te aro i a au! - I don't give a damn!

269. Te ātaahua hoki! - That’s beautiful

270. Te hiapai hoki! - What a damn cheek!

271. Te kutukutu-ahi hoki! - What a load of rubbish!

272. Te mahi a te... - There is an abundance of...

273. Te mutunga kē mai o te pai! - Never better/awesome!

274. Te rangi i taka iho! - That'll be the day! (When they sky falls down!)

275. Tē taea e rātou! - They haven't got a chance!

276. Tē taea te aha! - You can't do anything about it.

277. Tē taea te pēhea. - It can't be done.

278. Te tokorima a Māui - “The five of Māui” – a reference to one’s fingers. If an apology is made for the lack of cutlery, one might say “Hei aha rā. Hai te tokorima a Māui” It does not matter. Leave it to the five of Māui.

279. Te tū mai o te ihu! - What a snob!

280. Te weriweri rā! - That creep!

281. Tēnā koe i tēnā. - Thanks for that.

282. Tēnā pōhēhē tēnā! - Yeah right!

283. Tētahi tangata! - What a dick!

284. Tika hoki tāu! - You are correct!

285. Tino kino te hēhē! - It was a big disappointment.

286. Tino kino te pai! - Too much!

287. Tino kore nei! - Absolutely no way!

288. Tiro pī. - Look at with doubt or suspicion.

289. Tītiro! - Look!

290. Tō hamuti! - Get stuffed! Load of shit!

291. Tō ihu! - Butt out, stop being nosey!

292. Tō moho! E nge! - Good job! Serves you right!

293. Tō raho! - Sit down! Shut up! (offensive - to a male)

294. Tō tenetene! - Get stuffed! Shut up! (offensive - to a woman)

295. Tō tēro! - Up yours!

296. Tō waha! - Shut up!

297. Toitoi okewa. - Tempt fate.

298. Tōna tikanga. - Supposedly.

299. Tuhia ki te rae! - Memorize it! (Write it on your forehead.)

300. Tuhia ki tō rae. - Never ever forget it.

301. Tūmeke! - Awesome!

302. Turituri warawara. - Blah blah blah.

303. Tūwhitia te hopo. - Feel the fear and do it anyway.

304. Wai ka hua, wai ka tohu? - Who knows? Who can say?

305. Wānanga! - Wicked!

306. Wehi nā! - Oh my goodness! Oh my god, that's amazing!

307. Wetiweti! - Wicked!

308. Whakamutua atu! - That's enough! Stop it! Cut it out!

309. Whakangaro atu koe! - Get lost!

310. Whakaputa mōhio! - Know-it-all!

311. Whuuu! - Wow!

312. Wīare! - That's a surprise!

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